Buddha and his charioteer

To recognise the world as full of suffering and to attain vairāgya, we need the touch of a Master, as it happened in Buddha’s life. For Buddha, it was his charioteer—Chaanna—who became his Guru by pointing out to him the various sufferings in the world. Buddha’s biography says this was the work of a siddha, who entered the charioteer’s body to initiate the prince into monkhood.
Once, Prince Siddhartha was taken through the city and villages by the blessed charioteer Chaanna. The youthful prince was bubbling with joy and was full of optimism about life. But on the way, the first sight was that of a crippled person. Next was a dead body, and then an old man tottering with his stick.
“Disease, old age and death… O dear Chaanna, what are these!”
“That is the life of the world, O Lord.”
“Will everyone face these?”
“Certainly, my Lord.”
The prince looked at the charioteer with great sadness.
“Is there any way to be free?”
“Dear prince, behold there, under the tree lies the solution…”
The prince looked and saw an enlightened sage sitting in deep samādhi.
“He has found nirvāṇa, Lord!” said Chaanna
“Yes, his serene face tells more,” whispered the prince, “There is sorrow and certainly a way to be free of it.”
This was the blessed moment of vairāgya in Siddhartha’s life.
यदि जन्मजरामरणं न भवेत् यदि चेष्टवियोगभयं न भवेत्।
यदि सर्वमनित्यमिदं न भवेत् इह जन्मनि कस्य रतिर्न भवेत्॥
If there were no birth, no old age, no death, and further, if there were no fear of being separated from one’s loved ones, if all that is here was not impermanent, then who would not have a passion for this life?
This is a famous statement of Buddha.
Mere suffering devoid of the opportunity to hear the teaching from an Enlightened Master will only lead one to the threshold of depression. On the other hand, when suffering is accompanied by association with a Master, it can lead one to the highest glory. Here, by Krishna’s grace, Arjuna had both. The intimation about the blessed state of Nirvāṇa, where one can be absolutely free of suffering, is indeed divine grace.
What is the way out of this maze we have built within ourselves?
~ An excerpt from Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Elixir of Eternal Wisdom by Sri Nochur Acharya
Ramani German Germany listenes to the Pravachanams/Orations/Oracles since a few years via voiceofrishis.com and enjoys incessantly for hours day and night.
Baghavad Gita by Nochur Swami has to be reached by all at least many:
Ramani German Germany had selected a group of three young students one brother withhis elder sister and a class mate:
The idea is:
The three volumes would get circulated amongst them and can form a WhatsApp group for exchange of ideas.
The three volumes costed then RS 800/eight hundred.
We have reached three Potential aspirants at RS 800/3 say RS 270 each.
The RoI return on investment is immeasurable.
Voiceofrishis.com may please distribute at RS 250 per volume. They can afford to purchase immediately preferably a group of three whi can exchange as a Wisdom library.
நன்றி ஸந்தோஷம் நமஸ்காரம் வணக்கம் ஸலாம் ஷலோம் ஆமென் றமணீ ஜெர்மன் ஜெர்மனி
நல்லதே நடந்துள்ளது நல்லதே நடக்கும் நடக்கட்டும் ஸத்யமேவ ஜெயதே ஓம் நமசிவாய உண்மை நின்றிட வேண்டும் ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்
Update Infos :
Start of the initiative:
08.12.23 வெள்ளி தங்கம் 2:25 பிற்பகல் இந்தியா நேரம்
Salaam to technology for am able to.access all of Swami’s discourses. Much gratitude Nocchur Anna for being the guiding light in my Spiritual journey .
Sri Gurubhyo Namaha.