When the Lord speaks and we listen, that is the Gita.

When we speak, and God listens, it is prayer; when God speaks, and we listen, it is meditation.
But as long as we continue to speak, God will not open his mouth. Only when we stop our chatter and surrender to Him completely will He start to speak. That is why in the first chapter, we hardly hear anything from Krishna; it is full of Arjuna’s whining and lamentation. Whereas in the second chapter, when Arjuna remains silent and surrenders to Krishna in deep earnest, the Lord pours forth His upadeśa. Our entire sādhanā, spiritual practice, is to make the Silent One speak.
When the Lord speaks and we listen, that is the Gita.
~ An excerpt from the commentary for verse 1.47 from Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Elixir of Eternal Wisdom by Sri Nochur Acharya
A poetic insight of a deeper meaning. 🙏
Hoping to listen to the AntaryAmi all the time…🙏🙏🙏